5.2.7. General Constraints in MILP

Apart from the linear constraints, MindOpt also supports Special-Ordered Set Constraint (SOS) and Indicator Constraint. Special-Ordered Set Constraint (SOS)

SOS constraints are special constraints that impose restrictions on the values of a group of variables, which can be either integer or continuous variables. Specifically, SOS constraints consist of two types: SOS1 and SOS2. SOS1 constraint allows at most one variable in a group to have a non-zero value. SOS2 constraint allows at most two variables in a group to have non-zero values, and the non-zero variables must be adjacent to each other within the group.

When introducing SOS constraints in MindOpt, users can distinguish between SOS1 and SOS2 constraints by specifying the SOS constraint type. MDO_SOS_TYPE1 represents SOS1, while MDO_SOS_TYPE2 represents SOS2. Calling methods in different programming languages are listed as follows:









Taking C language for example, to introduce an SOS1 constraint that allows at most 1 variable among x0 and x1 to be non-zero, and an SOS2 constraint that allows at most 2 variables among x1, x2 and x3 to be non-zero:

67    /* Add variables. */
68    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_INTEGER, "x0"));
69    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_INTEGER, "x1"));
70    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_INTEGER, "x2"));
71    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x3"));
73    /* Add constraints. */
74    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, 4, row1_idx, row1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
75    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, 3, row2_idx, row2_val, MDO_EQUAL,         1.0, "c1"));
77    /* Add SOS constraints. 
78     * sos1: x0, x1
79     * sos2: x1, x2, x3 
80     */
81    int sos_cons_num     = 2;                              // The number of SOS constraints to be added.
82    int sos_var_num      = 5;                              // The total number of variables associated with new constraints.
83    int sos_types[]      = {MDO_SOS_TYPE1, MDO_SOS_TYPE2}; // The SOS type for each new SOS constraint.
84    int sos_begin[]      = {0,    2};                      // The list beginning indices for each SOS constraint.
85    int sos_var_idx[]    = {0, 1, 1, 2, 3};                // The variable indices associated with new SOS constraints.
86    double sos_var_weight[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};             // Weights for each participating variable.
87    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddsos(m, sos_cons_num, sos_var_num, sos_types, sos_begin, sos_var_idx, sos_var_weight));

Complete example codes are provided in MdoMiloSOS.c.

  2 *  Description
  3 *  -----------
  4 *
  5 *  Mixed Integer Linear optimization (row-wise input).
  6 *
  7 *  Formulation
  8 *  -----------
  9 *
 10 *  Minimize
 11 *    obj: 1 x0 + 2 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3
 12 *  Subject To
 13 *   c0 : 1 x0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 >= 1
 14 *   c1 : 1 x0        - 1 x2 + 6 x3 = 1
 15 *  Bounds
 16 *    0 <= x0 <= 10
 17 *    0 <= x1
 18 *    0 <= x2
 19 *    0 <= x3
 20 *  Integers
 21 *    x0 x1 x2
 22 *  End
 23 */
 25#include <stdio.h>
 26#include <stdlib.h>
 27#include "Mindopt.h"
 29/* Macro to check the return code */
 30#define RELEASE_MEMORY  \
 31    MDOfreemodel(m);    \
 32    MDOfreeenv(env);
 33#define CHECK_RESULT(code) { int res = code; if (res != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad code: %d\n", res); exit(res); } }
 34#define MODEL_NAME "MILP_01"
 35#define MODEL_SENSE "ModelSense"
 36#define STATUS "Status"
 37#define OBJ_VAL "ObjVal"
 38#define X "X"
 40int main(void)
 42    /* Variables. */
 43    MDOenv *env;
 44    MDOmodel *m;
 45    double obj, x;
 46    int status, i;
 48    /* Model data. */
 49    int    row1_idx[] = { 0,   1,   2,   3   };
 50    double row1_val[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
 51    int    row2_idx[] = { 0,    2,   3   };
 52    double row2_val[] = { 1.0, -1.0, 6.0 };
 54    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 55    /* Step 1. Create a model and change the parameters.                */
 56    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 57    CHECK_RESULT(MDOemptyenv(&env));
 58    CHECK_RESULT(MDOstartenv(env));
 59    CHECK_RESULT(MDOnewmodel(env, &m, MODEL_NAME, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
 61    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 62    /* Step 2. Input model.                                             */
 63    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 64    /* Change to minimization problem. */
 67    /* Add variables. */
 68    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_INTEGER, "x0"));
 69    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_INTEGER, "x1"));
 70    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_INTEGER, "x2"));
 71    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x3"));
 73    /* Add constraints. */
 74    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, 4, row1_idx, row1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
 75    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, 3, row2_idx, row2_val, MDO_EQUAL,         1.0, "c1"));
 77    /* Add SOS constraints. 
 78     * sos1: x0, x1
 79     * sos2: x1, x2, x3 
 80     */
 81    int sos_cons_num     = 2;                              // The number of SOS constraints to be added.
 82    int sos_var_num      = 5;                              // The total number of variables associated with new constraints.
 83    int sos_types[]      = {MDO_SOS_TYPE1, MDO_SOS_TYPE2}; // The SOS type for each new SOS constraint.
 84    int sos_begin[]      = {0,    2};                      // The list beginning indices for each SOS constraint.
 85    int sos_var_idx[]    = {0, 1, 1, 2, 3};                // The variable indices associated with new SOS constraints.
 86    double sos_var_weight[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};             // Weights for each participating variable.
 87    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddsos(m, sos_cons_num, sos_var_num, sos_types, sos_begin, sos_var_idx, sos_var_weight));
 89    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 90    /* Step 3. Solve the problem and populate optimization result.      */
 91    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 92    /* Solve the problem. */
 93    CHECK_RESULT(MDOoptimize(m));
 94    CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetintattr(m, STATUS, &status));
 95    if (status == MDO_OPTIMAL) 
 96    {
 97        CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattr(m, OBJ_VAL, &obj));
 98        printf("The optimal objective value is %f\n", obj);
 99        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
100        {
101            CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattrelement(m, X, i, &x));
102            printf("x[%d] = %f\n", i, x);
103        }
104    } 
105    else 
106    {
107        printf("No feasible solution.\n");
108    }
110    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111    /* Step 4. Free the model.                                          */
112    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
115    return 0;
116} Indicator Constraint

An indicator constraint is a logical constraint that controls whether a linear constraint is active or not by introducing a binary variable. For example, y is an indicator binary variable, and then the indicator constraint y=1x1+x2+x32 states that if y=1 then the linear constraint x1+x2+x32 has to be satisfied, otherwise, the constraint can be violated. Note that, we can also require the constraint to be satisfied when the the binary indicator variable is equal to zero, like z=0w1+w21.

APIs for different languages are listed as follows:











Taking C language for example, to introduce two indicator constraints, y0=1x0+x1+x32 and y1=1x1+x2+x33, and require that y0+y11

82    /* Add variables. */
83    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x0"));
84    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x1"));
85    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x2"));
86    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x3"));
87    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_BINARY,        "y0"));
88    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_BINARY,        "y1"));
90    /* Add constraints. */
91    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, row0_nvars, row0_idx, row0_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
93    /* Add indicator constraints. */
94    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddgenconstrIndicator(m, "ic1", indVar1, indVal1, ind1_nvars, ind1_idx, ind1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 2.0));
95    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddgenconstrIndicator(m, "ic2", indVar2, indVal2, ind2_nvars, ind2_idx, ind2_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 3.0));

Complete example codes are provided in MdoMiloIndicator.c

  1#include <stdio.h>
  2#include "Mindopt.h"
  3#include <stdlib.h>
  5 *  Description
  6 *  -----------
  7 *
  8 *  Mixed Integer Linear optimization (row-wise input).
  9 *
 10 *  Formulation
 11 *  -----------
 12 *
 13 *  Minimize
 14 *    obj: 1 x0 + 2 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3
 15 *  Subject To
 16 *   c0 : y0 + y1 >= 1
 17 *   ic1 : y0 = 1 -> x0 + x1 + x3 >= 2
 18 *   ic2 : y1 = 1 -> x1 + x2 + x3 >= 3
 19 *  Bounds
 20 *    0 <= x0 <= 10
 21 *    0 <= x1
 22 *    0 <= x2
 23 *    0 <= x3
 24 *    0 <= y0
 25 *    0 <= y1
 26 *  Integers
 27 *    y0 y1
 28 *  End
 29 */
 31#include <stdio.h>
 32#include <stdlib.h>
 33#include "Mindopt.h"
 35/* Macro to check the return code */
 36#define RELEASE_MEMORY  \
 37    MDOfreemodel(m);    \
 38    MDOfreeenv(env);
 39#define CHECK_RESULT(code) { int res = code; if (res != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad code: %d\n", res); RELEASE_MEMORY; exit(res); } }
 40#define MODEL_NAME  "MILP_Indicator"
 41#define MODEL_SENSE "ModelSense"
 42#define STATUS      "Status"
 43#define OBJ_VAL     "ObjVal"
 44#define X           "X"
 46int main(void)
 48    /* Creat Model. */
 49    MDOenv *env;
 50    MDOmodel *m;
 51    double obj, x;
 52    int status, i;
 54    /* Model data. */
 55    int    row0_nvars = 2;
 56    int    row0_idx[] = { 4,   5};
 57    double row0_val[] = { 1.0, 1.0}; // y0 + y1
 59    int    indVar1    = 4;           // y0
 60    int    indVal1    = 1;           // y0 = 1
 61    int    ind1_nvars = 3;
 62    int    ind1_idx[] = {0,   1,   3};
 63    double ind1_val[] = {1,0, 1.0, 1.0};
 65    int    indVar2    = 5;          // y1
 66    int    indVal2    = 1;          // y1 = 1
 67    int    ind2_nvars = 3;
 68    int    ind2_idx[] = {1,   2,   3};
 69    double ind2_val[] = {1,0, 1.0, 1.0}; 
 71    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 72    /* Step 1. Create environment and model.                            */
 73    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 74    /* Create an empty model. */
 75    CHECK_RESULT(MDOemptyenv(&env));
 76    CHECK_RESULT(MDOstartenv(env));
 77    CHECK_RESULT(MDOnewmodel(env, &m, MODEL_NAME, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
 79    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 80    /* Step 2. Input model.                                             */
 81    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 82    /* Change to minimization problem. */
 85    /* Add variables. */
 86    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x0"));
 87    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x1"));
 88    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x2"));
 89    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS,    "x3"));
 90    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_BINARY,        "y0"));
 91    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(m, 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_BINARY,        "y1"));
 93    /* Add constraints. */
 94    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(m, row0_nvars, row0_idx, row0_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
 96    /* Add indicator constraints. */
 97    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddgenconstrIndicator(m, "ic1", indVar1, indVal1, ind1_nvars, ind1_idx, ind1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 2.0));
 98    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddgenconstrIndicator(m, "ic2", indVar2, indVal2, ind2_nvars, ind2_idx, ind2_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 3.0));
100    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
101    /* Step 3. Solve the problem and populate optimization result.      */
102    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103    CHECK_RESULT(MDOoptimize(m));
104    CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetintattr(m, STATUS, &status));
105    if (status == MDO_OPTIMAL)
106    {
107        CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattr(m, OBJ_VAL, &obj));
108        printf("The optimal objective value is %f\n", obj);
110        for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
111        {
112            CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattrelement(m, X, i, &x));
113            printf("x%d = %f\n", i, x);
114        }
115    }
116    else
117    {
118        printf("No feasible solution exists\n");
119    }
121    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122    /* Step 4. Free the model.                                          */
123    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
126    return 0;