5.3.2. QP Modeling and Optimization in C

In this chapter, we will use MindOpt C API to model and solve the problem in Example of Quadratic Programming.

Include the header file:

27#include "Mindopt.h"

Create an optimization model model:

91    CHECK_RESULT(MDOemptyenv(&env));
92    CHECK_RESULT(MDOstartenv(env));
93    CHECK_RESULT(MDOnewmodel(env, &model, MODEL_NAME, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));

Next, we set the optimization sense to minimization via MDOsetIntAttr() and four variables are added by calling MDOaddvar(). Their lower bounds, upper bounds, names, and types are defined as follows (for more details on how to use MDOsetIntAttr() and MDOaddvar(), please refer to Attributes):

 99    /* Change to minimization problem. */
102    /* Add variables. */
103    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x0"));
104    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x1"));
105    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x2"));
106    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x3"));


The non-zero elements of the matrix \(A\) will be inputted later. After adding the four aforementioned variables, certain parameters of the constraint matrix, specifically size, indices, and value, are set to 0, NULL, and NULL, respectively. This means that, as of now, model has no constraints.

Now we set the constraint matrix \(A\) following the same procedure as in LP. The arrays row1_idx and row2_idx represent positions of the non-zero elements in the first and second rows while row1_val and row2_val represent corresponding values of the non-zero elements.

48    /* Model data. */
49    int    row1_idx[] = { 0,   1,   2,   3   };
50    double row1_val[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
51    int    row2_idx[] = { 0,    2,   3   };
52    double row2_val[] = { 1.0, -1.0, 6.0 };

We call MDOaddconstr() to input the linear constraints into model:

108    /* Add constraints.
109     * Note that the nonzero elements are inputted in a row-wise order here.
110     */
111    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(model, 4, row1_idx, row1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
112    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(model, 3, row2_idx, row2_val, MDO_EQUAL,         1.0, "c1"));

Next, we will introduce the coefficient matrix \(Q\) of the quadratic term in quadratic programming. Three arrays are utilized for this purpose. Specifically, qo_col1, qo_col2, and qo_values record the row indices, column indices, and values of all the non-zero terms in the lower triangular part of \(Q\), respectively.


To ensure symmetry, users need to input only its lower triangular part.

54    /* Quadratic objective matrix Q.
55     * 
56     *  Note.
57     *  1. The objective function is defined as c^Tx + 1/2 x^TQx, where Q is stored with coordinate format.
58     *  2. Q will be scaled by 1/2 internally.
59     *  3. To ensure the symmetricity of Q, user needs to input only the lower triangular part.
60     * 
61     * Q = [ 1.0  0.5  0    0   ]
62     *     [ 0.5  1.0  0    0   ]
63     *     [ 0.0  0.0  1.0  0   ]
64     *     [ 0    0    0    1.0 ]
65     */
66    int qo_col1[] = 
67    {
68        0, 
69        1,   1,
70                  2,
71                       3  
72    };
73    int qo_col2[] =
74    {
75        0,
76        0,   1,
77                  2,
78                       3
79    };
80    double qo_values[] =
81    {
82        1.0,
83        0.5, 1.0,
84                  1.0, 
85                       1.0
86    };

We call MDOaddqpterms() to set the quadratic terms of the objective. Here the argument “5” represents the length of the three arrays qo_col1, qo_col2, and qo_values:

114    /* Add quadratic objective term. */
115    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddqpterms(model, 5, qo_col1, qo_col2, qo_values));

Once the model is constructed, we call MDOoptimize() to solve the problem:

117    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
118    /* Step 3. Solve the problem and populate optimization result.      */
119    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
120    /* Solve the problem. */
121    CHECK_RESULT(MDOoptimize(model));

We can retrieive the optimal objective value and solutions via getting attributes:

124    CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetintattr(model, STATUS, &status));
125    if (status == MDO_OPTIMAL) 
126    {
127        CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattr(model, OBJ_VAL, &obj));
128        printf("The optimal objective value is: %f\n", obj);
129        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
130        {
131            CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattrelement(model, X, i, &x));
132            printf("x[%d] = %f\n", i, x);
133        }
134    } 
135    else 
136    {
137        printf("No feasible solution.\n");
138    }

Finally, we call MDOfreemodel() and MDOfreeenv() to free the model:

30#define RELEASE_MEMORY  \
31    MDOfreemodel(model);    \
32    MDOfreeenv(env);

The complete example code is provided in MdoQoEx1.c:

  2 *  Description
  3 *  -----------
  4 *
  5 *  Quadratic optimization (row-wise input).
  6 *
  7 *  Formulation
  9 *  -----------
 10 *
 11 *  Minimize
 12 *    obj: 1 x0 + 1 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 
 13 *         + 1/2 [ x0^2 + x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 + x0 x1]
 14 *  Subject To
 15 *   c0 : 1 x0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 >= 1
 16 *   c1 : 1 x0 - 1 x2 + 6 x3 = 1
 17 *  Bounds
 18 *    0 <= x0 <= 10
 19 *    0 <= x1
 20 *    0 <= x2
 21 *    0 <= x3
 22 *  End
 23 */
 25#include <stdio.h>
 26#include <stdlib.h>
 27#include "Mindopt.h"
 29/* Macro to check the return code */
 30#define RELEASE_MEMORY  \
 31    MDOfreemodel(model);    \
 32    MDOfreeenv(env);
 33#define CHECK_RESULT(code) { int res = code; if (res != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad code: %d\n", res);  RELEASE_MEMORY; return (res); } }
 34#define MODEL_NAME  "QP_01"
 35#define MODEL_SENSE "ModelSense"
 36#define STATUS      "Status"
 37#define OBJ_VAL     "ObjVal"
 38#define X           "X"
 40int main(void)
 42    /* Variables. */
 43    MDOenv *env;
 44    MDOmodel *model;
 45    double obj, x;
 46    int status, i;
 48    /* Model data. */
 49    int    row1_idx[] = { 0,   1,   2,   3   };
 50    double row1_val[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
 51    int    row2_idx[] = { 0,    2,   3   };
 52    double row2_val[] = { 1.0, -1.0, 6.0 };
 54    /* Quadratic objective matrix Q.
 55     * 
 56     *  Note.
 57     *  1. The objective function is defined as c^Tx + 1/2 x^TQx, where Q is stored with coordinate format.
 58     *  2. Q will be scaled by 1/2 internally.
 59     *  3. To ensure the symmetricity of Q, user needs to input only the lower triangular part.
 60     * 
 61     * Q = [ 1.0  0.5  0    0   ]
 62     *     [ 0.5  1.0  0    0   ]
 63     *     [ 0.0  0.0  1.0  0   ]
 64     *     [ 0    0    0    1.0 ]
 65     */
 66    int qo_col1[] = 
 67    {
 68        0, 
 69        1,   1,
 70                  2,
 71                       3  
 72    };
 73    int qo_col2[] =
 74    {
 75        0,
 76        0,   1,
 77                  2,
 78                       3
 79    };
 80    double qo_values[] =
 81    {
 82        1.0,
 83        0.5, 1.0,
 84                  1.0, 
 85                       1.0
 86    };
 88    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 89    /* Step 1. Create environment and model.                            */
 90    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 91    CHECK_RESULT(MDOemptyenv(&env));
 92    CHECK_RESULT(MDOstartenv(env));
 93    CHECK_RESULT(MDOnewmodel(env, &model, MODEL_NAME, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
 96    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 97    /* Step 2. Input model.                                             */
 98    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 99    /* Change to minimization problem. */
102    /* Add variables. */
103    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0,         10.0, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x0"));
104    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 2.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x1"));
105    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x2"));
106    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 1.0, 0, MDO_INFINITY, MDO_CONTINUOUS, "x3"));
108    /* Add constraints.
109     * Note that the nonzero elements are inputted in a row-wise order here.
110     */
111    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(model, 4, row1_idx, row1_val, MDO_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"));
112    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddconstr(model, 3, row2_idx, row2_val, MDO_EQUAL,         1.0, "c1"));
114    /* Add quadratic objective term. */
115    CHECK_RESULT(MDOaddqpterms(model, 5, qo_col1, qo_col2, qo_values));
117    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
118    /* Step 3. Solve the problem and populate optimization result.      */
119    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
120    /* Solve the problem. */
121    CHECK_RESULT(MDOoptimize(model));
124    CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetintattr(model, STATUS, &status));
125    if (status == MDO_OPTIMAL) 
126    {
127        CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattr(model, OBJ_VAL, &obj));
128        printf("The optimal objective value is: %f\n", obj);
129        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
130        {
131            CHECK_RESULT(MDOgetdblattrelement(model, X, i, &x));
132            printf("x[%d] = %f\n", i, x);
133        }
134    } 
135    else 
136    {
137        printf("No feasible solution.\n");
138    }
140    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
141    /* Step 4. Free the model.                                          */
142    /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
145    return 0;